Absolutely. We don't really know where this ends. It is very unpredictable. But right now in this moment the US is not acting as an ally. In fact it is acting like an adversary.
My article is written from a perspective where Democrats fail to muster proper defense and where sensible Republicans never find the courage to join Democrats in unseating their fascist brethren.
The problem with comparing with Nazi Germany is that the Nazis started wars against enemies far more powerful than them. The US in contrast really does not have any peer in military terms. If you stay out of war you can stay in power for a long time.
Look at Franco in Italy. He held power for a long time. There is no law that says baddies always loose in the last act. Stalin and Mao never got overthrown. North Korea is still going strong.
Or we can go contemporary. Putin is still in power and will likely die a natural death before anyone overthrows him.
My point is that doing a Biden repeat will not solve this problem. Trumpism will not simply evaporate by electing a "business as usual" Democrat.
A serious de-radicalization program will be needed. A serious reform of US party structure and voting system.
I absolutely do think Europe should become independent of the US. And I think this has in part not happened because it has been in the US interest to keep Europe dependent on the US. That has given the US immense soft power. We have relied on US capabilities, weapons and bases. Keep in mind we typically didn't ask for US bases. The US actively pushed European countries to accept bases.
Once established, it lulled host countries into a sense of security of having US military presence. Ironically Trump may break this system that has served the US very well, because he has no concept or understanding of soft-power and leverage. Once the US is out and Europe don't buy US weapons, the American leverage on European politics will be significantly reduced.
The ability to pull Europe along on its adventures would be significantly diminished.