American Communist Paranoia

Is America on a slippery slope to full blown Stalinist Communism?

Erik Engheim


Before assuming I am the kind of crazy uncompromising leftist poisoning social media, you may want to read this first: The Toxicity of the Vocal Left.

Anyway, back on topic. There is nothing to fear but fear itself they say. Nothing could be more true about socialism and communism in America. The fear of it the real problem, not actually socialism.

Conservatism is the issue? Yet no issues with progressives marching towards socialism and communism?

Ah yes all those streets filled with comrades matching with red banners and Stalin pictures. Ah yeah Anthony I remember seeing that all over the news… oh no wait I don’t because it is all in your head. There is no massive communist movement sweeping over America.

The dangerous communist comrades marching on American streets in Anthony’s fertile imagination.

Knock, knock Anthony, time to wake up to reality. You live in a country where half the population voted on blonde pseduo-Fascist. The other voted for a corporate democrat, and as much cheer leader for capitalism as another. Ah yeah…. there was Bernie Sanders. Who could forget? Except he lost man. And he wasn’t anything remotely the kind of socialist sneaking around dark alley ways in your neighborhood trying to convert you to a sinister cause. He was a friendly old grandpa who for the most part advocated policies to the right of what is simply mainstream politics in Europa. He was good old European style social democrat. He wasn’t a wannabe Stalin Anthony. Take a deep breath and calm down.

Worship of capitalism? No one worships it, we just understand that with 330m people the socialist sure as sh.. won’t take care of all of us.

Yes, because capitalism is just doing such a stellar job at the moment. The picture below shows the wonders of American capitalism. Lines as far as the eye can see of cars trying to get food aid. Desperation in the land of plenty, all due to capitalism.

People lined up in their cars at a food distribution site in San Antonio, Tex. Picture from New York Times.

Try finding a picture like this is Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands or pretty much any other rich democracy. You won’t find it because nobody else are so infatuated with capitalism, and terrified of anything sounding remotely socialist.

There is always winners and losers in every society run by the government.

The alternative to worshipping capitalism isn’t a society run by government. You can have a sensible thing in between. If you are open minded and curious you could read about the mixed economy in the Nordic countries: What is Modern Scandinavian Socialism in 2020?

Individualism is what the United States was built on, the fact the government was and is suppose to be limited.

Hahaha yeah, exactly and look where that has gotten you. Food lines and disappear in a land of plenty. Even the Soviet Union didn’t have lines as long as yours. But hey guys are sitting in cars instead of standing in line, so I guess that is an improvement. Better to starve while sitting in the comfort of your air conditioned car. Oh the irony of American capitalism.

It works far better than the collective, and massive urban nightmares.

Ah yes some healthy doses of socialism sure did a number on us Scandinavians. Look at the massive urban nightmare we created below in Copenhagen!

A Danish massive urban nightmare. Watch out for socialism people

How much time do you spend outside of norway? How much time do you spend in the usa?

Let me guess Anthony you haven’t even been outside your own state, less of all actually traveled abroad, yet you ask me?

Okay here is the thing you need to understand about us people from small countries, that you guys from big ones like the US seem to have trouble understanding.

We are international. We are not insular like you. It is not an option for people in small countries to be insular like Americans. Why? Because there is no way a country of only 5 million people can create all the goods, services, books, literature, entertainment etc alone. No, we rely on trade and exchange with others. In small countries, a very large portion of the economy is import and export oriented.

You go to a newstand in Norway and here are magazines and newspapers in two written forms of Norwegan, Danish, Swedish, English, French, German and Spanish. That isn’t because of a diverse set of immigrants. No it has always been like that even when we hardly had any. Why? Because we are internationally oriented. There cannot be a book or magazine about every topic written in Norwegian. We need stuff from the outside as well.

When I got interested in science and technology as a teenager, how do you think I learned? I read Norwegian, English and even German stuff. I had to learn all those languages to get the information I was interested in.

I can read 7 different languages: Two forms of Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, German, Dutch and English. How many do you read. One I guess. Yet you are the one implying I am the cluelss. That I am the one not knowing what is going on outside of my bubble.

Have you noticed what language we are having this discussion in? Yep, your language. Not mine. So who lives in a bubble? I have lived many years abroad. I know different societies. I have traveled and lived all over the US: North Dakota, Utah, Hawaii, Washington, Iowa, Minnesota, California, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, to name a few I can remember from the top of my head. I have lots of relatives in the US.

Waving broad strokes and leaping blame on swaths of people is insane, since if you haven’t noticed these issues happen in most urban and suburban areas.

I have not claimed anyone is insane. I am talked about the rise of fascism, the alt-right, Trumpism. But okay, that is kind of insane ideologies.

Mostly all run by progressives, yes conservatives have their issues, but to blame them for everything is insane.

I don’t really know what a progressive is. It seems it is a word devoid of meaning. What I do know is that everything in American is run by capitalist fan boys. American democrats are people who like to rub shoulders with wall street. They are not European style social democrats by any stretch of the imagination. Look at places like San Fransisco. One of the richest cities in the US. Yet anything public is in complete decay. The subway looks third worldish, the streets are all worn out. Homeless and sick people everywhere. Massive urban social problems. All amidst massive private wealth. That is how a capitalist fanboy runs things not how a democratic socialist or social democrat would run things.

We should experiment with Norway and readjust your demographics to where you mimic the usa.

Most of the people in the area I live in are black and brown people. Works totally fine. That is because I live in a social democracy and not a dog eat dog capitalist nightmare, which pits everybody against everybody else. Survival of the strongest and all that shit. You reap what you sow man.

Below you can see from a picture from Mortensrud, where I live. You can see we have a diverse set of people. And we can all get along, like here enjoying a favorite Norwegian past time of hiking and barbecuing hotdogs.

See how quickly you will be want to be left alone too, since everyone regardless of color and background is crazy in their own ways.

Not in Norway. It is like that in America because the dog eat dog world you live in turns people crazy.

It’s why in rural America we just like to be left alone, and have that luxury. I don’t want to do harm to anyone and want everyone to succeed.

Ah yeah rural America… what a raging success story that is. You mean places like the one seen below. Appalachia where people are dying left and right from and opioid crisis, all induced by a society so infatuated with capitalism that it lets companies kills their own citizens by pushing hard drugs on them. All in the name of profits. F*ck society, as long as companies make profit.

Poverty in Appalachia

Or how about Iowa and the rest of rural America drowning in a meth pandemic. People worked to the bone in America’s relentless unforgiving capitalism, taking drugs to keep going, hide the pains and tiredness from working too long days for too little money.

I don’t want to do harm to anyone and want everyone to succeed.

That is what you say, and yet you cheer on a system causing so much hurt. People thrown on the streets. Opioid pandemics. Meth pandemics. People without health care pleading for help on Go Fund me. People with so high medical bills they have to sell their house and move in with the children. When you keep defending such a system causing so much problems and hurt, one can no longer explain it through rationality. It has become a religion. A matter of faith. Capitalism is the best no matter how many people suffer around you.

I don’t get why anyone want their fellow countryman to do poorly makes no sense at all.

My fellow countrymen are doing great. Yours are not. How deluded can you be? Scandinavians have some of the happiest people on the planet. Lowest levels of social problems, crime, and poverty. America in contrast is swimming in it: gun violence, school shootings, poverty, drug abuse, political violence and extremism. The fuel for all of this is worship of capitalism.

Yet the government can’t fix this mess only local communities and neighborhoods.

You have had since 1776 to fix this and your capitalist wonder medicine still hasn’t pulled it off. If you keep trying the same thing and expect different results, then that is the mark of insanity. Why not actually try something different? Actually you have already tried a lot of social democratic ideas with the New Deal in America’s post war years. A time with stronger welfare systems, stronger unions and higher taxes on the rich.

The Golden Era for American workers when Social Democratic values such as strong unions, welfare for the poor and high taxes for the rich reigned.

It was a golden age for the working class American. Inequality was lower and happiness higher. Then came the Reagan revolution and tore it all down.

Coming from someone born and living in Norway which is 82% Norwegian? Really?

15.4% of the inhabitants of America are immigrants. 18.2% of Norwegian inhabitants are immigrants. In other words there are more foreigners in Norway than in the US. In other words 84.6% of the people living in America are Americans. 81.8% of people living in Norway are Norwegians.

In other words there are more Americans in America than there are Norwegians in Norway.

Oh wait, I know. I know what you are saying. All those 84.6% of Americans aren’t real Americans right? Some of them have brown, black and yellow skin color which makes them not real proper Americans right? They are a different kind of American. A lesser kind of American. The kind of American which makes America fail. The kind of Americans who make all the crime and the social problems. If only all the Americans where “real” Americans. White Americans. Then everything would be all peace and harmony. That is what you are saying, isn’t it?

You see the picture below? That is three Norwegians celebrating Norwegian national day in our national costume proudly waving their Norwegian flags. Oh, don’t they have the right skin color to be Norwegian? Are they not real Norwegian? National identity isn’t a skin color. It is how you feel, what you identify with. The values you have and the culture you belong to.

Here are some other Norwegians, which I guess have the “wrong” skin color according to you. But as you can see, they are proud to be Norwegian. The brown kid is wearing exactly the same outfit that I wore as a child when celebrating out national day.

Conflict exist because people like you want to divide people. Want to claim every problem is diversity. Instead of identifying the real problems such as inequality, injustice and rampant capitalism. You think the problem is that everybody doesn’t have the same skin color.

You should come over here and live here for a while. It would change your mind, I guarantee it. I don’t know a single American living here who did not change their perception of society, politics and the role of government after living here. Well… okay maybe of the exception of one girl I knew from Texas. But hey that is Texas. What do you expect? 🤣



Erik Engheim
Erik Engheim

Written by Erik Engheim

Geek dad, living in Oslo, Norway with passion for UX, Julia programming, science, teaching, reading and writing.

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