Cool, but Apple does not have a Steve Jobs anymore. They are leveraging strategic advantages that comes from full vertical integration.
But in terms of creating the next killer application or experience, I don't think Apple has the people they need inhouse. I am sure the talent is there but look at what happened with Jonny Ive's ideas before Steve Jobs got back? They got shot back.
You need a guy at the helm who understands innovation and design who can left up the bright people who work at Apple and reckognize when they are producing a revolutionary idea worth pursuing. Tim Cook is not it. He is a very competent manager who can steer the Apple ship in a steady fashion. But I doubt his abilit to make a revolution happen.
On the other hand Microsoft reached the top with exactly that kind of person at the helm. So maybe I am overthinking this. Maybe Apple will simply win by being the next Microsoft. Not win through revolution but through one strategic calculated move after the other.