Everybody has a political persuasion. The key difference is some acknowledge it while others pretend they don’t. What matters is to what degree you manage to be objective and professional when required.
Even if I am strongly opposed to religion, I am still capable of acting civilized around religious people. But the fact that I can be respectful towards religious people doesn’t mean that I have changed my particular political persuasion. What you do and what you believe may not always be the same.
We had a priest as prime minister of Norway some years ago. He never argued his politics by invoking God. He managed to separate his religious views from the job he had to do as a professional. This is different from e.g. somebody like George W. Bush who was unable to separate his religious convictions from his job as president. That a case where a person was unable to be professional.
The problem was not that Bush believed in God, but they he could not put that aside while acting as president.