Florian this is a quote from the beginning of the article:
“Significant whitespace is not a Python deal breaker. You should not avoid using Python because of the use of significant whitespace.”
How on earth did you interpret that as whining? I am specifically telling people to not get worked up about significant white space in python. Ironically you get worked up about me even discussing it.
Next you demand that I come up with solutions instead of complaining. However the whole point of the article is that the problem is already solved and doesn’t need solving.
The key points you fail to pick up despite it being spelled out clearly, is that I don’t regard python white space as being much of a problem. I’m simply making the case that it isn’t an advantage either. I am countering the claim by the python community that’s significance of white space is a major selling point.
This does not prevent many people from actually being attracted to python for this reason. However that is likely more for aesthetic reasons than because it solves any actual problems.