Great answer Sheila! You hit an important point about the religious intolerant: They have a certain obsession with a sexualized view of everything.
Here in Scandinavia where I live nudity is a more normal part of culture than I noticed in the US. One thing I keep noticing in the US is how a naked body is almost always sexualized in some way.
Sometimes that can be really disturbing. It is normal for small children to run around naked on the beach over here. I remember an American religious consevative immediately remark that this was bad because pedophiles could be watching them.
It was a disturbing to notice just how quickly they turned small children into sexual objects. This kind of thinking is just alien to us and frankly a bit disgusting.
They do the same to young girls. A girl who just wears what she thinks is a pretty dress, you could bet some Christian conservative would find a way to sexualize it and shame her. It is like their minds are thinking about sex constantly.
It seems like what they do whenever gay people are discussed. The love and affection between two people of equal gender is not what they are thinking about. Their focus in on what happens in the bed room.