Great examples Jennifier. Yeah, I also think that the feminism fight will also look different today because there simply aren't' as many people doing the rough jobs. Focus will naturally be more on the kinds of jobs which are common today.
If we go back in time as you say, the debate would have looked quite different. But that is conveniently, papered over or "forgotten" by the mens rights activists.
I certainly think that men have gotten the short end of the straw in some cases, but I really resent the attempt of misprepresenting the fight for gender equality as some zero sum game where men are always the loosers and the ones making sacrifices, while women have all the benefits.
More women in the workplace has allowed men to have shorter workdays and spend more time with family and kids. I had 3 months parental leave with each of my kids. You don't see that kind of stuff in macho societies opposed to gender equality. Men are relegated to long work days and get little time to spend with their children. I don't see how it benefits anyone. Women are bored being only at home watching children. I think both genders benefit from some variety. Don't see how children only getting to know their mothers in the first years is a positive thing.