He was never found guilty though. And it wasn't a rape accusation but sexual assault. My point is that finding someone guilty of rape is very hard.
What he endured is to be more a general problem with the US justice system. US justice system is very harsh toward suspects.
When simply becoming a suspect, and not actually being found guilty traumatizes a person, then clearly the US justice system is broken.
I think this is entirely separate from the question of rape or sexual assault. Suspects are regularly beaten and harassed by cops. The overall problem is the "tough on crime" ideology that rules America and nobody really wants to change. Cruel treatment of suspects seems to be a feature rather than a bug of the system.
US does not protect the privacy of the accused. They have things like perp walks. For someone accused of sexual assault or rape that is quite damaging. In Europe where the identity of the accused is much more protected, you don't suffer the same way from an accusation. And that is how it should be in my view. You should not suffer from merely being accused of a crime.
As far as possible you should be treated as if you were innocent until proven guilty.