How are the rules of society changed? This is not rocket science? Most of us live in democracies which have a clearly defined democratic process which allows us to participate in decision making. In exchange for your participation, you are expected to comply with the rules produced by this process, even if it was not the rule you preferred.
You can call that putting gun to your head all you like, but it comes across as a rebelious teenager, who are unable to accept that society must operate on rules and it cannot center around them at all times. It cannot cater to their every whim. For society to work, we must accept that we do not always get what we want.
That applies whether you are with a group of friends deciding on what movie to see or whether making a decision about your neighbourhood with the home owner association. At every walk in life you encounter situations where your needs and wants have to be balanced against the needs and wants of others.
How do you settle that? There are many ways? You could have a vote, or I suppose you could make whomever throws the most money on the table decide. Whomever holds the gun, or whomever is the loudest and most obnioxious.
Me... I prefer a democratic process. If you think democracy is putting guns to people's heads, then we will just have to agree to disagree.