I am sorry Andrew, it looks like 90% of the commenters utterly failed to get your point. Instead of adding to the discussion, I just see pages of denial, ad-hominem, appeal to authority…. Basically every logical fallacy in the book.
Complexity and feature creep is a challenge for all software and all languages which have been around for a while. There is a reason why new languages keep popping up. Eventually they cure plaguing a language is worse than the plague.
I have seen this problem repeat with Python, C++ and Swift which I spent years on. Apple had a semi decent language with Objective-C. They could have made a clean version of it. They ended up with Swift which I think is cleaner than Java and C# but it is also starting to develop the issues you mentioned with C#.
Making the perfect statically typed language is just bloody hard. It is very easy to add exponential complexity by trying to target every itch. I am impressed by the Go designers who really understood this problem and have pulled of keeping Go extremely stable. I was away from Go for years but found it really quick to pick up again. One cannot say the same about Python, Java, C#, Swift and C++ these days.