I don't think you are giving a fair assessment of the situation with muslim immigrants in Danish society. Denmark is quite similar to Norway and I doubt the situation in Denmark is profoundly different from that in Norway.
I live in a muslim majority area of Oslo. It is a classic accusation that muslims don't want to integrate or don't want to learn the language. That is a bit of xenophobia in my humble opinion.
If you have lived in other countries and learned the local language you would know that learning the local language can be quite challenging. Especially if the language if profoundly different. Many muslim parents are eager to get their chidren to learn Norwegian, but they are often clueless about how to go about doing that.
Many integration problems stems from ignorance rather than some kind of active resistance against integration. Many come from societies with poor literacy level and don't know how to support their children in reading and writing. In their culture parents don't get intimately involved in the development of children the way they do in the West. Sitting down and reading a book with children and discussing the content is often an alien concept. Many mistankenly think that their job is to police their kids and make sure they read their homework. They don't understand that language learning is severely diminished if you don't actively engaged with a child as you read.
This isn't uniquely muslim. You will find similar behaviour among lower class or poorly educated natives. How to foster a learning environment is far better understood by high socio-economic class with highly educated parents. If you hardly had any schooling yourself, then you will not fully grasp how education works.
You say "don't judge cultures," but you see quite okay with judging muslim culture 😉