I explained why in the article. Men and women are not remotely the same when it comes to problematic behavior, whether you look at violence, drug abuse, alcoholism, reckless driving, homicide, gambling etc there is no competition. Men "win" in every category.
Sure we also win chess, math competitions and most noble prizes. That is the problem with men we excel at being both good and bad.
The idea that an attractive woman just easily picks a great guy simply isn't true. Look no further than Amouranth. A girl millions seems to want to get together with and yet she ended up with an abusive husband.
So many men have no idea how bad they are and think they are really well behaved and nice to a woman. I recently adviced a guy who was experiencing a breakup. He could not understand what he had done wrong. He showed me some of his interactions with her. He was total red flag and abusive behavior all over the place. Yet he couldn't see it himself. I had to walk him through it.
What you talk about here is a very materialistic perspective on the problem. You talk about things like income, looks and class as if those are the only factors or even the most important. A guy can look great and make lots of money and still be an abusive asshole.
Violence and abuse in relationships is still a widespread problem and that is still a predominantely male problem. We are the ones doing it, rarely the women.
When men and women meet, we aren't facing the same odds. If you meet a woman the odds that she will abuse you or hit you or rape you is next to nothing. For a woman it is not the same. A shockingly high number of women has experience sexual abuse. 1 out of 6 American women have experience attempted or completed rape.
That is top of the iceberg. The scope of other problematic male behavior would be even bigger.