I mostly blame Putin, but it is also worth having some humility in this case.
The US e.g. nearly started a nuclear war over Russia placing nukes on Cuba. In principle, Cuba as a soverign nation had every right to choose to have nuclear weapons on their territory if they so wished.
Likewise Ukraine has every right to choose NATO membership as a sovereign nation. Yet both the US and Russia often don't live up to their own standards.
From a Russian perspective, the West did not simply sit idle while Ukraine asked to be NATO member. I don't know Ukrainian politics well enough to judge this, but well known American conservative think tanks such as Cato institute seems to agree with Putin: https://www.cato.org/commentary/americas-ukraine-hypocrisy
Personally I have never liked Cato institute and their reactionary views, but that is sort of beside the point . If there are prominent actors in America which believed America meddled in Ukranian politics then why would not Putin think the same?