I Peterson doesn't think our values are at their strongest today, then why does he even bring the topic up?
The biggest threat to civilization today is clearly global warming. Saying values is a bigger threat is like saying the Sun collapsing is a bigger threat, because sure if that happened we would be worse off.
But not taking into account proability makes such claims worthless. There is nothing pointing to our values being in a serious danger of getting undermined in a way that is more threatening than in any other part of history.
However our climate is in a more dire condition than it ever has been. Or rather the prospects for our climate is more dire than ever.
Of course Jordan Peterson is a right-winger. Claiming anything else is not grounded in reality. Just look at how he used every opportunity to piss on every possible liberal or socialist value, while he always champion conservative values, and often things which sound awfully fascist.
The guy us anti-femism. He speaks out against pretty much any sexual minority. He rejects climate change. He glorifies macho male culture. I cannot think of any left-wing value that they guy has.
Jordan Peterson is all jolly and happy when hanging out with fellow ultra-conservatives such as Ben Shapiro, people like Rubin.