I think you mix up what Lester is talking about with hating other people. I don't think Lester is trying to say that Trump hates Jews. Rather it is about Trump believing in a lot of the typical stereotypes about Jews. This idea that Jews are all about money, and play in the shadows subverting people.
It is perfectly possible to believe in stereotypes about a whole people while making exceptions. If you believe Jews are genetically predisposed to be money people, then why would you not make them your friends if you want to get as rich as possible?
I honestly don't think Trump has friends. Trump just have people he uses for his own ends. A narccissist doesn't have friends. They have people they can exploit.
That Rabbi praise Trump is no proof of him not being racist. Trump like all other narcissist and psychopaths excel at lying and charming people. They will lie to your face calling you the most wonderful person if it furthers their agenda.
That these Rabbi trust people should not be held against them. Most people are not mentally equipped to deal with people who lie so effortlessly as Trump.