I totally agree with some caveats. Men are indeed at a disadvantage in the sort of public politically correct sphere or normal media, government and corporate life.
In this context there is a lot of "men sit down." But my point is that the right tends to present this as if that is the whole world.
When it comes to forming opinions and spreading them there are numerous other avenues. We know FOX News, Breitbart and conservative talk radio has a wide spread. In America churches play a big role.
And more importantly the young generation aren't consuming traditional media where more liberal and pro-women media has dominated. They are consuming TicToc, Twitter, Youtube, Reddit, Instagram, Twitch, OnlyFans, Facebook and God know what else.
On these platforms regressive views and misogyny abound. It isn't merely in the comment section but in the channels themselves. If traditional media was the only thing that mattered then nobody would ever have heard to Andrew Tate or Jordan Peterson.
And this stuff matters. We hold school elections in Norway. There is a long tradition for political parties having youth organizations and they hold debate on schools and students participate in elections.
In the latest election the the far right made massive gains in Norway. One of the reasons cites is the large right-wing presence on social media and social media playing such an outsized role in the media world of young people.
Keep in mind this hole male loneliness debate and Andrew Tate is a lot about young males and not really people like you and me (I am 45). This generation is getting exposed to a lot more misogyny than some typical middle class suburbanite reading New York times and watching CNN or BBC. Getting entertainment from Netflix or HBO.
In this world the young generation live in men aren't told to sit down. It is more like women are told what whores they are. I see comments that amount to that disturbingly often.
But there is also a really disturbing trend in how internet has made porn so easily accessible and men spend so much more time at home that the usage has explode which has also caused a large number of women to sexualize themselves online on places like Twitch, OnlyFans, TicTok etc. That of course only helps accelerate the narrative that women have no morals and men are helpless victims addicted to porn, and not getting a proper relationship.
At the same time this porn consumption has led to an explosion of sexualized violence in relationships.
I have honestly been quite oblivious to this but only started realizing lately as I go down the rabbit hole what a dumpster fire we have created. It doesn't serve men or women, but I don't think it is entirely fair to just single out one sex as having caused this.
It is too simple to say oh if only feminism hadn't ruined marriage. Oh if only women didn't have such high standard. Oh if only women weren't such gold diggers and whores.
Ultimately we are dealing with a technology change which has transformed our social interactions in profound ways.