It is not like any of this is entirely wrong, but it is still a bad way of framing the problem of discrimination against African-Americans.
It is the equicalent of talking about solving a hunger problem by focusing on the situation of those who are well fed, rather than seek out and help those who go hungry.
It is like dealing with COID19 by focusing on those who have not gotten it.
We don't talk about the privilege of the fed or the privilege of the not-sick. We don't talk about the privilege of the non-raped or the non-beaten-ups.
Yes you can talk about the privilege of being white relative to being black when all other things are the same. But you can do that about anything. If you are rich and black, then you have a rich-privilege over poor white kid.
I am not American but I find it interesting that the only privilege talked about America today is the white-privilge, when the biggest differentiatior in privilege is about wealth and income. Nobody talks about the privilege of the rich in America it seems.
I suppose that is class-struggle and communism, so it is banned. Much safer to talk about white privilege because it doesn't cost any money. It doesn't really require any action other than a bunch of talk.
I cannot see how American imagine endless talk of white privilege is going to lead anywhere.
Talk of inequality could actually have accomplished something, as it is far more obvious how one can tackle inequality.
I do think race is an important debate to be had in America, but looking in as an outsider I don't see how constantly beating white Americans over the head with "white-privilege" accomplishes anything. All I see is people doubling down on their positions.
You simply cannot solve the inequalty between whites and blacks in America without tackling class-privilege in America. Whether white or black, the US has little social mobility. Thus even if racism was gone tomorrow lots of African-Americans would still be stuck in poverty because America has a system which discriminates against poor people.
What I see is a lot of self-sabotage. Somebody like Bernie Sanders had the opportunity to do something about inequality and poverety, but he got shot down because he did not talk enough about race.
But if you only talk about race, you risk scaring away a lot of white voters who would be needed to pass reforms. This is how the rich elite wins. They pit poor whites against blacks. Make each one think that the advancement of the other is to the detriment of themselves. Meanwhile the rich elite can laugh all the way to the bank.