Let me comment a bit on Emmy Blix and her job. Using safety googles is normal in the industry so I have no idea what you are ranting about. I have discussed this with several people working on rigs and they say the way those mud guys work would be totally unacceptable on a modern rig.
Yes, Emmy Blix is clean, but that could be start of the day or a photo op showing what her gear, and workplace normally looks like. She isn't working the same way as those mud guys, but instead primarily controlling machinery remotely (she would normally not be on the deck as shown here). More like controlling robot arms, which move the drill string sections and attach them. That will not get you as dirty as going physically over and moving big chunks of metal around with your hands. That isn't how the job works on a modern drilling platform. Yes, there are cases where you might have to do that, but not for the most part.
You don't need people to physically lock the string section together anymore by hand. Modern machinery does that.
Emmy Blix is what we in Norway call a Drilling and maintenance operator (translation). There is nothing equivalent to a roustabout or roughneck in Norway as that is a very narrowly defiend manual type of job with little training. In Norway workers are trained more extensive and into more broadly defined roles. You cannot like the US show up on a Norwegian rig with no special education. Emmy Blix has gone through a 4 year educational program to do her job, which ends with a craft certificate, given that she passes all theoretical and practical tests.