Erik EngheimCapitalism and The Prisoner’s DilemmaHow a simple thought experiment demonstrates the problem with free market capitalismJan 10, 202316Jan 10, 202316
Erik EngheimWhy Do Bullshit Jobs Exist?A large fraction of jobs are in modern society are pointless. But how can that be? Why would the wonders of free-market economics not trim…Sep 24, 20171Sep 24, 20171
Erik EngheimLibertarianism: Is Taxation Theft?A Response to the Libertarian Argument that Taxation is TheftMar 15, 20194Mar 15, 20194
Erik EngheimDid Slavery Benefit the US Economy?Did the Southern states trail the North because slavery is bad for the economy?Jun 20, 202214Jun 20, 202214
Erik EngheimThe Case for RISC-V on Desktops and ServersIs RISC-V only for embedded systems, or can it compete on the desktop and server rooms as well?Jan 7, 20222Jan 7, 20222
Erik EngheimIf Social Democracy Is So Great, Why Is the US Richer Than Nordics?A look at the reasons for the higher American GDP per capitaJun 19, 202260Jun 19, 202260
Cory DoctorowAbout those kill-switched Ukrainian tractorsWhat John Deere did to Russian looters, anyone can do to farmers, anywhere.May 8, 2022109May 8, 2022109