Man, how do people afford that? Especially life as parents with small children is something I don't comperhend how young American couples get to work:
1. You just piled on a huge student loan
2. Just go a big mortage to have a house to raise your children in.
3. Apparently births are quite expensive in the US.
4. Pay for daycare or get a big pay cut by staying home (maternity leave is rarely paid in the US as far as I know).
All of these expenses happen while you are at the start of your career making the least amount of money. I just don't get how it adds up in the US. People find it hard here in Norway and the median salary is actually higher here while student loans are tiny in comparson, births are free, day care subsidized and full pay staying home the first year.
I can think of one thing giving young American parents an advantage over us. Housing is cheaper over there as well as a car and gasoline. On the other hand you don't necessarily have to have a car here. Or at least you may manage with just one.
Maybe something I am missing like young parents getting substantial economic aid from their older parents.