My political ideology isn't about fairness. That is where you profoundly misunderstand. It a practical consideration about how to optimize the outcome of citizens within one country. Since decision making, rules and regulations are made per country, it is natural that we set goals for each country.
To make a country with high inequality, simply seems utterly wasteful. It isn't about fairness. Maybe it is really fair that somebody owns 99% of all wealth and income. But I don't care about fairness. I care about maximum efficiency in happiness and prosperity. Equality is more efficient in creating maxiumum happiness with a limited amount of resources.
Happiness doesn't need to be fair. Maybe we make a good life for lazy slobs. To which I would just shrug: Who cares, if the end result is more happy, healthy and prosperous people?
Seems like you are the one obsesses about fairness. You don't want more equality, because you think it is unfair. You think it means somebody gets more than they "deserve," while others get less than they deserve. To which I'll say: Tough luck, life isn't fair. Some get born a cripple. Others are even more unlucky and get born rich and have to pay high taxes. Let us shed some tears for the rich, and the grave injustice they are subject to /s
"feel free to distribute any portion of your wealth," is such an ignorant argument. Especially for somebody who claims to be an expert in economics. You would think that you knew Game theory such as the Prisoners Dilemma or the tragedy of the commons.
Solving societies problems through taxation is akin to the prisoners cooperating. Each individual trying to do it by sharing individual wealth and income is akin to the Prisoners dilemma without cooperation between the Prisoners.
You know how the outcome of the Prisoners Dilemma is if prisoners cannot cooperate. It becomes suboptimal. Taxation allows society and its citizens to coordinate their actions and thus avoid the suboptimal outcome when both prisoners choose to defect.
The South Korea and Norway example as standin for citizens of a country is just ridiculous. Countries are not citizens of a democracy, electing leaders and sharing common goods.
"problem starts when you start dictating terms." Eh... social democrats and the left in general (excluding the communists) are generally strong advocates of democracy. Nobody is suggesting raising taxes or building public schools or hospitals without a mandate from voters.
In addition we want to expand democracy to the workplace, as we already do in Norway, where employees get to take part in decision making not only shareholders. That only a small minority makes all the decisions affecting a large number of people at a company, is undemocratic.