Oh yes I see that a lot. You get them saying America is the best ever for women but that is not remotely true. And I hope by sharing a Scandinavian perspective that American women get some extra ammunition to fire back at men who claim you should be grateful. You shouldn’t. You are short changed. Only country in developed world without national paid maternity leave. We had that in Norway in 1908. American men have nothing to brag about and disparage American women for.
Same deal with affirmative action. We call it positive discrimination here. You are allowed to prioritize minorities in hiring here. EU law say positive discrimination is fully legal. US supreme court struck that down. Ironically we don’t have an angry debate over this.
US has certainly progressed a lot on gender and race issues but there is such a strong and angry counter movement that we don’t have here.
I debate US conservatives and they are always convinced US is a liberal progressive hellhole and outside there is some wonderful traditional society. Every time I am like “no man, you guys are very conservative by our standards”
But they wont believe me. A lot of those guys need to travel more. I don’t know any American Republican who stayed conservative after living here in Norway some years. That experience defies so many things they have been told are absolute truths by the likes of FOX and friends.