Regarding boring or interesting food, that may not have been the best choice of words. But I guess if you invite children you want to make something you know they like.
In fact at the moment we have several children on visit and they are eating tacos with home made guacamole, salsa etc. But it is something we invited them to specifically. We sometimes to boardgame evenings.
In general in Scandinavia when inviting grownups people like to serve gourmet food and not their everday type of dinner. Since nobody is short on food in Scandinavia the focus is more on creating an enjoyable of special dinner occassion.
I guess if you are Belgian you may know a little bit of the Scandinavian mentality. Having lived in the Netherlands I remember that Dutch people had very similar mentality to us. But the Dutch are focused on having appoinments and pre-planned things than us in Norway. I know you guys are different in Belgia, but I assume you have some familiarty with Dutch culture being so close.