Erik Engheim
Feb 28, 2022


Should people be judged by the content of their character or the color of their skin?

You cry about your own dehumanization but apparently have no problem dehumanizing others. Apparently there are people with a skin color which makes them evil, violent monsters. Everything they do is out of malice.

Ideology, beliefs, nationality, experiences.... none of that matters in judging a person to you. All that matters is their skin color. If you got this one wrong skin color you are a bad person. No matter how you lived your life, what you believe in, where you were born.

We are not even allowed to show empathy for people with this "wrong" skin color. If we do, then that is an affront onto itself.



Erik Engheim

Geek dad, living in Oslo, Norway with passion for UX, Julia programming, science, teaching, reading and writing.