So the 1980s was recently in your mind? Our understanding of the human mind was still at its infancy at that point and our ability to observe the activity of the human mind was in its infancy. Any mind for that matter.
Deep Learning models which have begun to revolutionize AI today and which was heavily inspired by how the human brain operates only started having real success some 10-15 years ago.
The 80s was famous for its AI winter because we had so profoundly misunderstood how the mind works and we are still far away from that.
I am not in psychology specifically because the field has contained so much pseudo science. My field of study had been artificial intelligence.
Funny you claim I am so young and inexperienced when most scientists, engineers and mathematicians have done most of their signature work and accomplishments long before my age.
But it is evident in your prejudice and contempt that you assume anyone with a leftist view must be a naive twenty-something.
It is quite the opposite for me. In my early 20s I was far more right-wing. After working in industry for some years I went to the US to study, some 20 years ago. This had a major impact on my perception of different political and economic systems. But one does not change over night. I later spent years in the Netherlands seeing e.g. a very different approach to drug policy than the US.
But it was 2008 which was the game changer for me. I studied a lot of economics texts at the time and had looked and economic policies of many countries convinced that the way to go was all these very liberalized economies.
Then 2008 came around and the countries the libertarian version of myself had looked up to came crashing down. So much of the stuff people like Alan Greenspan has preached about efficient self-regulating markets was exposed as utter nonsense.
In short I am social democrat today because of experience over many years. Because I have observed the worlds and studied more history and economics. I was a right-winger when I was young, inexperienced and had not yet really lived in the real world.
I come from a country which has been run by socialists/social democrats for probably around 70-80 years. You don’t rebel as a young here by being a leftist. That works in ultra-conservative America. My rebellion when young was to be right-winger.
As I have gotten older I got to my sense ;-)