Thanks Aza, I don't have a strong opinion on Extinction Rebellion. I support the message from Greta Thunberg and her style of activism. Extinction Rebellion may be a bit much for my liking.
The kind of environmental organizations I like is more like Bellona. You don't know them in the English speaking world but they played a significant role in making electric cars successful in Norway. They are an organization with strong focus on solutions rather than purely being about protest.
I generally don't like environmental organizations which only protest but have little else to offer. If the only thing anyone ever does is express what they are against but not what they are for, we never get anything done.
Here in Norway they were going to build a gas power plant years ago. Major protest errupted and there was a push for things like wind turbines instead.
Now we are building wind turbines and it has created the largest protest movement in Norway that I can remember: 18 000 members. Wind turbines ruin local nature they say. They are ugly etc etc. We should build more hydropower they say.
But I remember how that went last time we tried to expand in the 80s. Major protests and chain gangs.
I debated this with an envionrmentalist once. Demandd that you state what she was for rather than just saying No to everything. She didn't think wind turbines or solar panels where clean enough given the mining required to get resources to build them. In the end she just argued it wasn't her job to come with solutions but scientists.
That sums up my revulsuion and disdain for a lot of green movements: A complete abdication of responsibility. Scienctists and engineers present us with a multitude of options for a greener future but they all have tradeoffs. None of those solutions are perfect.
They cannot choose for us. As voters and citizens we must make a tradeoff. We must choose what we prefer. We cannot simply keep saying know "NO" until scientists pull a magic rabbit out of their hat.
I push for wind turbines and solar panels because that seems like the most viable solution short term to get emissions down. But I also know that short term we must back this up with gas power plants.
All of these solutions mean some impact on nature. We need to mine resources for batteries, solar panels and wind turbines. They will have negative local impact on nature.
I am not entirely against nuclear power. It has less local impact as the power generation is so dense. However we then have to accept the challenges with nuclear waste management. It is doable and probably preferable to massive CO2 emissions.
Either way citizens must make a choice. If they don't want wind/solar/gas/battery then they have to pick nuclear power. We don't really have much other options.