Thanks for your thoughts Raffey! You brought up a lot of interesting points. I didn't know about Aeon but taking a look.
It is good to confirm my own perception that people don't really remember writers. I don't. You have to see their work multiple times but then you may forget about them and not find your way back as you say.
I have an impression that people remember visual styles better than names. I have seen people reckognize that an article was from me based on the drawing style I used in my illustrations. But that applies mostly to Microprocessor stuff where I have done a number of illustrations.
Yeah there is a lot of filler stuff on Medium. I also wondered what people think about that. I see some of the people writing about similar subjects as me but cranking out way more every week. But some of it seems a bit pointless. I have wondered: Do people really want to read that much about the same kind of thing?
I got popular writing about the M1 processor but have written very little about it since. Primarily because I don't think there is that much interesting to say about it anymore. But I see many people cooking a lot of thin soup on the latest from Apple. It is certainly tempting to do when you fail to gain reader interests in more obsure topics one may be writing about.
Danish water technology huh? Didn't know that was a thing but I can certainly look into that. It helps that I can read the Scandinavian languages. Finnish is impossible but at least there is a lot of pan-Nordic work so that Finland is often covered by papers and writing done by other Nordic writers.