Thanks Jack!
To attempt to answer your question of "hard rightists" in Norway. Like all societies there will be right-wingers in Norway as well, aslo Neo-nazis and similar. Yet the Norwegian situation is quite different from Sweden for several reasons.
Sweden was a great power historically, while Norway never was. Nationalism in Norway was about rising up against oppression of national culture and identity while in Sweden it was more about a romantic relation to past glory around former power, influence and dominance.
When Norway was in union with Sweden, Swedish power over Norway was through the Monarchy. Democratic institutions such as parliament were Norwegian. I discuss this a bit in this article:
Thus more power to democratic institutions meant more power to Norway and less power to Sweden. Hence Norwegian nationalism evolved to be very pro-democracy and liberal in its beliefs while Swedish nationalism becamse conservative, as liberal ideas weakned Swedish dominance.
Hence right-wing nationalism in Norway has always had to compete with leftist-nationalism, while in Sweden there is no such thing as leftist nationalism. To Swedes the idea of nationalism on the left would be absurd. Hence in Norway you have long been able to combine patriotism with progressive views. That has not really been possible in Sweden.
Personally I am leftist and quite patriotic and think the Norwegian far-right is a bit of a big joke when it comes to their patriotism. The party most similar to Sweden Democrats in Norway is Framskrittspartiet (Frp) and they have never done anything for Norwegian identity, language and culture. Quite the contrary. If anything they strike me as proponents of vulgar Americanism, rather than having any confidence of beliefs in Norwegian culture and values.
They have voted down any support for Norwegian authors, newspapers, arts, opera or any content creation aimed at promoting Norwegian language and culture. They have never done anything for Norwegian craftman traditions whether rose painting, knitting or antyhing. We have two written forms of Norwegian Bokmål and Nynorsk, where the latter is most true to the original form of Norwegian. Frp as a party has done nothing but shit all over this form of Norwegian.
This is a general problem for any "hard right" in Norway. They don't give a shit about anything Norwegian really. They only care about shitting on foreigners. If it was up to them we would just be eating American burgers and drinking coca cola.... some franschise of America. They are a cultural wasteland, which is what gives them a weakness in Norway presenting themselves as some kind of champions of Norwegian values. They are a joke.
When asked about "what are Norwegian values" they only have absurd answers because they probably know they have never done jack shit for Norwegian culture and identity.
Sorry about the rant... but as you can probably tell, the far right in Norway kind of gets my blood boiling. They are such hypocrites. They only define being Norwegian in terms of what we are not. They are very eager to say a muslim cannot be Norwegian because they don't eat pork and they wear a hijab. Yet, they seem to never be able to say what a Norwegian is in positive terms.
Still they don't really compare to the Swedish situation as Neo Nazism never got the kind of presence here as it got in Sweden. Nazism has a much more negative association here in Norway partly because of WW2. Because patriots fought against Nazis, it is very hard to call yourself a patriot or nationalist in Norway while also declaring yourself a Nazi.
Thus you have a bit of an oxymoron in Norway relative to Sweden. It is much more acceptable to be kind of nationalistic in Norway than in Sweden but WAY less acceptable to be a Nazi. Also in Norway you can be very patriotic while being a leftist, while the Swedish left has a strong aversion to anything that that has the slights smell of nationalism.
Right-wing populism is more accepted in Norway but within the group who are right-wing populists Fascism and Nazism is much less accepted. Sweden is the opposite. Right-wing populism has been less accepted in general but among those who are right-wing there is a larger acceptance of Fascism and Nazism.
I am not sure if all of this made sense. Bottom line is that Norway and Sweden are quite different in this area.