Thanks Julian, I try to be balanced even though I am quite opinionated.
Speaking of Norwegians, I do remember an American friend telling me angry once: You Norwegians don't believe in evil do you!?
I had not really thought about it until then, but I think that was a good characterization. I think Norwegian discourse tend to think of problems more in terms of systems, bad histories, ignorance etc.
When I say "media" I think quite broadly of all sorts of means of communication accessible to us: Newspapers, books, TV, movies, youtube, social media. It could be mass media or it could be systems where you actually engage with people just like me and you, right now.
I think quite a lot of my perception get influenced by debates I watch people rather than say a mass media type of newscoverage. You always have to sort of filter and interpret what you read of course.
E.g. I noticed when reading comment section of newspapers in Norway that there are a lot of crazy people. Yet I know in the real world people are not that crazy. It is just that normal people are not as active on social media in terms of pushing their opinions. People who are happy with the state of things are generally not going to express themselves.