That has literally never happened. All well known cases of hyper inflation has been tied to collapsing economies. In these cases hyperinflation was a symptom of the collapse not the cause of it. The Weimar Republic was getting crushed by reparations. This caused hyper inflation; not printing alone.
Zimbabwe got hyper inflation because chasing out the white farmers cause the agricultural sector to collapse and thus the economy. Money printing was simply a desperate attempt at keeping the economy alive, not the cause of the economic collapse.
Blaming money printing is akin to blaming high police presence for high crime. Lots of police are dispatched to an area because of high crime. It is not the cause of it. Likewise many economies in dire straits resort to money printing.
Had they not done so they would have been screwed in other ways. The Weimar Republic could have avoiding printing money by raising taxes, but that would have required massive tax hikes which would have met massive political opposition.
Anyway MMT does not advocate printing money with no bounds. Rather it sees taxes as a way to stem inflation not as a way to fund government.