Think you are a bit fast on the revolver there Russel. Linux is also operating system maintained by hobbyists, and Haiku is a much newer OS than any mainstream OS in use today. Difference is that the others have progressed more due to more resources.
Not sure why you characterize the file system as antiquated like FAT32. The latter is antiquated and hails from DOS with no bells and whistles. The Haiku filesystem BeFS is 64-bit journaled file system with inodes, support for storing live queries in filesystem, extendible attributes. If that makes it antiquated then I'd say NTFS and ext4 are even more antiquated.
I don't get your remark on security. Why would you want to merge applications running on different machines? It would be easier if you could give a concrete example, because I cannot think of any practical workflow I currently have where that would be an issue, but I suspect you have something very different in mind from me.
Let me give some examples: working with email, text documents, presentations, music, photos, writing/running code etc does not remote computers, databases and security. Yes, deployment and running and application under development may require database access and security, but most of the tools you use for development don't have to deal with that. You debugger, editor, project manager, GUI designer etc don't have to run on different machines and handle complex security access.