This is absolutely not okay, but imagine if every man wrote an article like this every time they noticed a women in their social circle kept doing something critique worthy. Or every time they Jewish, black or Asian friend did something bad.
It is not that I personally care much. I get that it doesn’t mean “all men,” but this is the kind of thing that works up a lot of guys and make them shut down. Can you blame them? We apply a double standard and say it is fine because… men are privileged? Not every man is going to feel privileged.
There is a lot of things that upset me about certain men and their attitudes but I don’t see them as “men.” I don’t judge them as one huge homogenous mass of people.
Rather there are a lot of toxic subgroups such as the male incels. The ones who follow checkup artists. The frat boy and shock jock culture. The old boys clubs.