Thought I just follow up on this because you mentioned something my wife was just studying and I remembered your comment. It has been widely circulated that women commit violence in relationship to comparable levels to that of men.
Apparently that is hogwash. The study claiming that misused research done by other researchers which did not agree to the use to the data or conclusions. The key problem was that they did not consider REASON for violence. For women most of the violence towards men is in the form of self defense against male initiated violence.
In other words the study did not take into consideration WHY women did violence. They just treated all violence the same.
The other issue is that men dramatically underreport their own violence when surveyed. Thus once this is looked at again it is apparently clear that there is no comparison. Men commit far more violence in a relationship than women.
And is that really surprising?
Once research really going against common sense that is a red flag. I have seen this time and again. Studies of science show that sensationalist claims like this in science are rarely reproducible or hold up to scrutiny.
Arstechnica has covered this extensively in various articles:
There is a tendency to publish spectacular new insights because that generates more media attention. That men hit women more than the other way around wouldn't be very interesting in the media. A story about it being the same is of course generating a lot more clicks.
I know that very well as a writer: Controversy sells. Stating the obvious doesn't generate much hinterest.