Yeah I do see some of the more nuanced political commentators such as David Pakman, share many of my views on this topic. He has also commented on the flak he has gotten for not having a pure black-and-white view on this.
I believe he said that he thought Kyle had a strong case for self-defense but remarked on how everything else was wrong about the conditions which let this happend and the bizzare court case, with a judge who acted like an absolute clown.
What is disturbing is that even though Kyle may have had the law on his side, you saw this sort of right-wing mobilization for him at every level. The jury looked stacked and the judge did not come across as impartial at all. The whole thing seemed quite rigged to favor Kyle Rittenhouse.
And Kyle did numerous things which should have carried some punishment but which they seemed to let slide. Stuff you know a poor black guy would never have gotten away with. It is like they treated him with silk gloves as if he was some sort of hero who could do no wrong.
Meanwhile I think a lot of liberal media focused on a lot of the wrong things