Yeah the wavelength thing is interesting. It is interesting how we can connect or not connect within different societies. For me the Netherlands clickd very well. In many aspects I was probaly more Dutch than Norwegian without knowing it.
My wife who grew up in Canada and the US describes how she never fit in. She is a bit of an introvert and could never feel right in the hyper outgoing and social culture that exists in the US. Coming to Northern Europe things clicked for her. Switzerland, the Netherlands and now Norway connects better.
But you are also shaped by landscapes. She had childhood on the West coast of Canada and the flatness of the Netherlands did not work well for her. The mountains and fjords here in Norway puts her much more at ease. It is strange how that works. I also feel a certain discomfort about being too far away from the Ocean. I like to be able to see the ocean.
But I got to say every culture has aspects which I really love. I have really had some great times with South Americans, Portugese and Spanish people. They are very different from us Scandinavians but often have more of a warmth and spark we lack. US Scandianvians tend to live our lives as bit like separate little islands.