Yes, I know the studies were about excess deaths caused by sanctions. The point you are not getting is that later studies dispute those earlier studies.
They point to the surveys conducted by Unicef having been heavily manipulated. Here is one example of a study disputing the initial claims.
I am not claiming anything one way or the other. I am simply pointing out that the claims are in dispute.
It seems more like you want to believe in anything that makes whomever you disagree with look bad.
> Again, the true test that demonstrates your racism is to consider that what the US and the 'west' did to Iraq, Syria, Lybia, Vietnam, Korea, Yemen and many, many other countries would be acceptable in your view to be done to your own dear town, city and country. It would not. Yet you defend the indefensible. That is why you're a racist.
To paper over your own intellectual shortcommings and the weakness of your arguments you resort to name calling. First of all even if I had supported all those wars that would not have made me a racist. That is just idiotic argumentation.
Secondly I did not support them. I argued strongly against the Iraq invasion since long before it happened. I remember very well Americans scream at my face for doing so. And I kept arguing against it after it happened.
Vietnam? How on earth did you conclude that I supported the Vietnam invasion? Did we even discuss Vietnam?
Both Syria and Libya were complex situations which started out of a desire to help civilians being attacked by their despotic rulers. People who had both sponsored terrorism and used chemical weapons on their own citizens. But sure you can pretend Assad and Gadaffi where these enlightened rulers and angels who handed flowers to children if it makes it easier to portray the West as monsters.
Yemen? What have you been smoking? You mean mean the country that Saudi Arabia indiscriminately bombs? So now that is the West's fault? Not Saudi Arabia? They have no blame? You are not going to criticize them because they are not white?
You are such a God damn cowardly hypocrite.
As for culturalism. No, judging a person based on their behavior is not the same as judging them based on their skin color. The difference should be obvious but apparently not to you. Here is a hint for you: People can change their behavior. They cannot change their skin color.
Yes, China is bad. And intentions matter. China suppress their own people primarily to retain the power of the CCP. While many of the actions of the US has been really bad and happened for a complex coctail of reasons, a desire to spread democacy and freedom has always been a factor in what the US does. No, it is not the ONLY factor. Take Iraq. The primary goal was WMDs. And I am sure oil and greed played a role too. But you cannot ingore that the idea of getting rid of a horrible tyrant and making Iraq into a democracy also was a significant factor. If it wasn't, then Iraq would not have been a democracy today. Okay a flawed democracy but still a much freer society than the horror regime Saddam ran.
So ironic that you blame me, while you are actually living in the US. An American blaming a Norwegian for Americas wars. How classic. You rail against America yet you inhibt all the classic American traits: arrogance, ignorance and thinking you know it all.
All I can say is check your American privilege buddy, and stop blaiming others for the failing of YOUR nation.