You could however say that your desire to make as many people in society as possible happy is a leftist view.
When I have debated libertarian e.g. they have frequently argued that society should have no goal on behalf of its citizens.
In fact I have with several libertarian had to attempt to make the case that people who shoot up on heroin are not doing what is in their own best interest. That is the nature of addiction. The libertarian view is of course based on the idea that individuals always knows better than the collective. I was offering up heroin junkies, alcoholics, gamblers, smokers etc as example of people who had not made choices in their own best interest. Frequently they know that themselves but cannot easily break that habit alone.
My starting point is that I want as many people as possible to be happy, healthy, free etc without some minority paying a heavy price for that. Thus inducing a lot of pain on a minority for the common good is not acceptable in my view. But some sacrifices for the common good should be possible. E.g. that those who are rich pay more taxes than those who are poor.
But I think that perspective easily leads you to a leftist view.