You pretty much missed the whole point of Katie's article. Did you even read it?
Katie very clearly stated that she had white privilege. The article was not disputing that. She also very clearly stated that there is a lot of racism in Eastern Europe. She did not dispute that either. That you claim otherwise means you either didn't read it, or didn't grasp what you you read.
The article was trying to correct the misconception among many Americans that racism is somehow all tied in with a history of colonialism. Eastern European countries where not colonial powers. When Americans say stupid shit like that, they should get corrected instead of getting defensive and start yelling "you got white privilege. you got white privilege" as if that is a valid reponse to any argument articulated by a white person.
Besides if Americans are going to use the argument about "white people" they have to decide among themselves whether "white" means white Americans or anyone who looks white in the skin. Because in my experience Americans love changing the goalpost on this.
If you point out how flawed the concept of white is as used by Americans, they retreat back to the American that they are talking about white America. Sure... but then you don't get to call the rest of us white. Refer to us by our nationality or cultural heritage instead. "White" isn't a cutlure or a set of values. It is a skin color.
The same applies to "black." Black isn't a culture. A Nigerian has very different values and culture from say an African-Americans. Don't just lump together anytone who has the same skin color and imply that they are the same and can be talked about as one big homogenenous mass of sameness.