You sound like Trumpist spreading what amounts ot fake news rumors and lies. Norway never funded LTTE. That is just made up accusations by the Sri Lankan government to strenghten their position in the negotiations. They didn't like that Norway tried to be impartial and so they engaged in this smear campaign.
But sure believe a government with well known corruption and lack of transparency over a country which ranks at the top in government transparency and with among the lowest levels of corruption.
It seem you are just on some kind of anti-Norwegian binge because you cannot tolerate that I criticized your idol Reagan and now you got to make up all sorts of false accusations. You got nothign to back it up. You cannot even articulate WHY on Earth Norway would do such a thing.
When there is a crime, there tends to be a motive. Where is the motive. You talk about missionaries?
Huh? So now Norway is some sort of Theocracy or Saudi Arabia promoting crazy religious people around the world.... yeah sure and this all led by a Democratic Socialist, Erik Solheim, which is a die hard atheist. Yeah, sure makes total sense 🙄
That there are religious nutters in Norway who may have supported LTTE is plausible. Just like there might have been nutter in other places. But what does that have to do with Norway? It is not a deliberate goal or action by the Norwegian state. We are not a dictatorship telling people who they may or may not support.
The significant difference here with the US support of terrorist organizatins is the fact that this was based on government level decisions. It was the American state doing the support. Not just financially but often engagingin gun-running as well. Next I suppose you are going to accuse Norway of gun-running as well. Sure you can accuse us of anything, as evidence and motive doesn't seem to be a requirement for you.
You tried to claim that I don't know economics and then you go try to defend the Voodoo Economics of Ronald Reagan which has been debunked by all mainstream economists.
The Laffer curve is nonsense.
Ronald Reagan fans claim success because Regan had an economic boom after first running the economy into the ground.... yeah that tends to happen everywhere. If you destroy the economy, there is often an ability to have a strong growth afterwards to get back to previous economic output level. That isn't genius though. That is just stupidity.
Eh... nope Social Democrats are not progressives. Stop applying your American cultural norms on me. What makes you think a Norwegian social democrat is the same an American anyway? You don't even have a social democratic party in the US. You are making an argument based on what you imagine it would be like. Pure nonsense.
Progressives are associated with liberals in America, and Social Democrats are not fricken liberals.
It is rich that you call me living in a bubble. What langauge are we having this exchange in exactly? Yep, your language. I have learned about your culture and your language. You don't know shit about mine. Nothing surprising there. I am used to this American arrogance. Americans know nothing about the world, but think they know everything. Why... because they visisted Mexico and Canada?
If you want to lecture me, then try writing to me in Norwegian instead and lets see how that goes.
Ah and then we got the tired old... more Europeans move to the US... argument. Ah the fallback American for every single American when their rethoric hits the wall.
Such arguments make no sense given that borders are not open. Most European nations do not accept anyone. The Americans who would benefit most from Social Democracy are not allowed entry.
You also have to consider that America is a well known immigration country. Most Americans have been brainwashed into thinking America is the best country on the planet and don't even consider opportunities abroad, while Europeans are quite familiar with the situation in the US, having had many ancestors who came there as well as traveling there as tourists a lot.
Finally America has English as a native language. Just one of those things Americans don't even stop reflecting on the signifiance of. I know more about America than say Czech Republic or Italy, because I speak English but not Czech or Italian.
Very few Americans know another language besides English and would thus not leave their country.
Anyway... I don't see why it is my job to educate Americans on the dynamics of immigration. But sure countinue living in your bubble where America is the greatest country on the planet.