You're degree doesn't do you much good if you are not able to actually articulate an argument beyound ad-hominem attacks and appeal to authority.
You have not actually articulated what I stand accused of. What specifically have I written which is so wrong? Can you actually quote me and provide a proper reasoning for what that particular statement is wrong?
Can you actually prove with a quote that I have challenged your experience of racial relations in America?
I honestly prefer to spend my time debunking racists. This is a waste of time. This is the kind of debate that makes the alt-right mock the left. It is better to be united than at each other's throat.
I have no beef with you. You are making it too personal that I have slightly different perspectives from you on some issues. What is strange about that? I come from a different country. Why would I not think different about things?
The important thing is that I have exactly the same goals as you. Getting caught up in me prefering a slightly different path to get there should not get you this worked up.
Obviously I base my views on a lot more than a single book. But I don't owe you a list of my readership or experiences to qualify my views. The strength and logic of my argument should be enough (or lack of). I don't argue from authority. My argument doesn't get more right or more wrong whether I have read 1 or a 1 000 books or have a dozen degrees.