Ungrateful Refugees

They come to the West and we give them everything. In return they become terrorists, rapists, and murderers. Why are they so ungrateful? We have done so much for them!

Erik Engheim
9 min readMay 19, 2021

Sorry for the inflammatory and bigoted intro. I wanted to capture what so many people think about immigration and accepting refugees. I see people ask questions such as why do we let ourselves be invaded? Why do we accept people who cannot be employed and will live the rest of their lives on welfare?

Many fellow Westerners have sadly forgotten why we take in refugees in the first place. Are refugees holding guns to our heads? Is a small elite of liberal politicians on a virtue signaling spree?

No, to many this may be hard to accept, but right among you there are fellow citizens with empathy for strangers. Empathy for people looking different, talking different. People living halfway around on the other side of the world who face persecution, violence and war. These are the people who vote in the politicians who decide to open our borders for people fleeing violence and terror. No, they haven’t been duped by the liberal elite or guilted into voting for them. No, it doesn’t mean you are oblivious to the challenges and problems that comes with accepting refugees. Having empathy doesn’t…



Erik Engheim

Geek dad, living in Oslo, Norway with passion for UX, Julia programming, science, teaching, reading and writing.